스페셜 ZONE

  1. hunsclub
  2. 스페셜 ZONE
It was nice to visit Gangneung on weekdays because there were not many people even though it was summer vacation season. This tour introduces Gangneung which I visited for business. When I arrived in Gangneung, which took about two hours by KTX from Seoul, Soohorang, and Bandabi, the mascots of the 23rd Pyeongchang Winter Olympics […]
  1. Hot Issue
  2. Kai
  3. 스페셜 ZONE
Anyone who likes to travel becomes a guide and A place where everyone who enjoys traveling is together – Enjoystreet Management team – Hello~~ This is Enjoystreet’s management team. August has already begun. I thought the long rainy season was over, but it’s still raining at this point when I write a post on August […]
  1. bumsug78
  2. 스페셜 ZONE
不久前,笔者去了韩国国际会展中心举办的旅游博览会 因为是宣传韩国各地旅游景点的博览会, 所以了解了很多有趣的地方 在韩国,野营很流行,所以出现了很多最新款野营车 这样各地特色商品也在展出 以如此有趣的方式宣传位于韩国南端最末端的城市全罗道海南 陈列着各种露营装备。 因为野营次数不多,所以不知道会用在什么地方. 哈哈 代表各地区的旅游部门的人们通过分发旅游地图和介绍书的方式进行宣传 我们将以地图和介绍书为基础,前往韩国各地区不为人知的隐藏名胜,继续拍摄视频,希望大家多多支持
  2. Jane's discovery
  4. 스페셜 ZONE
“I create so that every woman can be the most beautiful.” – Christian Dior What luxury brands do you like? Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Burberry, Hermes, Fendi, Givenchy, Prada and Dior, and so on. Oh! The world is wide and there are many luxury goods. Today, we are going to look at Dior Seongsu, a luxury […]