Month: September 2022

  2. Jane's discovery
“Those who think they’ve grown up alone don’t deserve to grow much.” In the animation <Crayon Shin chan> When I first arrived in Osaka, Japan for a trip abroad, the most intriguing thing was the convenience store. From cute items to various events, I understood why Japan was described as a ‘convenience store kingdom’. […]
  1. Jane's discovery
  3. 푸드 ZONE
“Every day you have a chance to meet someone who passes by you. You would not know anything about the person. But maybe, one day, the other person can become just your friend or a close friend who knows your depth.” – Hong Kong Movie ‘Chungking Express(重慶森林)’ I felt like I was in the back […]
  2. Jane's discovery
“He realized that he does not have an odor.”– In the movie “Perfume” , a film based on the original novel by Patrick Süskind, was a film that gave a strong impression and influence. Personally, Ben Whishaw, who played the main character, was so attractive that I wanted to visit France, which is the background […]
  1. 푸드 ZONE
Hello, I’m Doo Doo. Today, I’ll introduce you to Chuncheon Cafe, which has nice mountains, nice air, and clear water. Chuncheon Green Board 35-2 Green Board, Geumchon-ro, Dongnae-myeon, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do Green Board located in Dongnae-myeon, Chuncheon. Dongnae-myeon is a relatively quiet place in Chuncheon, so the surroundings are relaxed. Green Board is […]
  1. Popular travel videos
韓國觀光地韓流拍攝地 – 注文津《鬼怪》拍摄地 大家好 我是人ENJOY STREET^^ 我的頻道是韓國觀光公社選定的徒步介紹韓國旅行地的頻道。 不僅是韓國人,也是想讓中華圈遊客瞭解韓國各地隱藏的名勝而設立的頻道, 所以不僅韓國訂閱者,海外訂閱者也請多多關注^^ 今天想給大家介紹2017年播出的TVN人氣電視劇《鬼怪》拍攝地的註文津防砂堤。 在此之前,這裏一直都是人們不常來的場所,但鬼怪播出後,如果來江陵旅行,一定會來一次拍照。 池恩卓(金高恩飾)首次召喚金信(孔侑飾)的場所而聞名,很多看過電視劇的遊客爲了成爲池恩卓和金信,紛紛前來拍照。 計劃去註文津旅遊的人可以到註文津水產市場和這裏開始愉快的旅行。
  1. Popular travel videos
서울역사박물관은 서울의 역사와 전통문화를 정리하여 보여줌으로써 서울에 대한 이해와 인식을 심화하는 한편, 서울을 찾는 내∙외국인들에게 서울의 문화를 느끼고 체험할 기회를 제공하기 위하여 2002년 5월 21일 개관하였습니다. 건물은 총면적 20,882㎡, 건축면적 7,448㎡, 지하 1층과 지상 3층 규모로, 18만 점 이상의 서울 관련 유물을 소장하고 있습니다. 주요 소장품으로는 〈대동여지도〉(보물 제850-2호), 〈동여도〉(보물 제1358-1호), 《용비어천가 권제3~4》 (보물 제1463-2호), 이하응 […]
  1. 푸드 ZONE
Gangnam is the first city that comes to mind when we think of Seoul. I think it’s because both population density and floating population are high. Let me introduce you to a Bossam restaurant in Gangnam, downtown Seoul. Location of Banhaneun Bossam restaurant 524, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Coex Mall, B1 M103 Banhaneun Bossam, a […]
  2. Jane's discovery
  3. 푸드 ZONE
“혼자 꿈을 꾸면 한낮 꿈일 뿐이지만 우리 모두가 함께 꿈을 꾼다면 그것은 새로운 현실의 출발이다.”When we dream alone it is only a dream, but when many dreams together it is the beginning of a new reality-건축가 그리고 화가. 프리덴스라이히 훈데르트바서(Hundertwasser) <도시 속 미디어 아트로의 초대> 1일 여행 코스 – 그라운드 시소 명동 : 미디어 […]