What about “Nammi Plant Lab” near Sadang Station?

Nammi Plant Lab near Bangbaegu and Sadang Station is a good restaurant where you can experience 100% vegan easily and deliciously.

Inside photo. The source is “Nammi Plant Lab” Instagram.

Every menu with steak, cheese, cream, etc. sold by “Nammi Plant Lab” sells vegan menus, not just vegetarian menus, such as alternative meat and alternative cheese.

That doesn’t mean it tastes different from the foods we usually eat! Personally, I felt comfortable and good because it was made of vegetable ingredients.

There were a lot of people waiting in front of the restaurant because there were a lot of people who felt it like me. If you visit the restaurant, I recommend you to make a reservation!

The restaurant also sells ingredients such as vegan sauce and cheese for their dishes, so if you want to enjoy vegan dishes at home, I recommend you to buy them.

I visited and had pasta, pizza, and gnocchi, and the gnocchi was really delicious. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s the most delicious gnocchi restaurant in my life.

If you visit “Nammi Plant Lab”, I recommend you to eat gnocchi!

Comments to: If you want to try vegan food but can’t give up cheese!

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